
Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant Podcast

I know everyone is talking about Kobe, and it’s not like I knew the guy personally. But I don’t care! I can’t stop thinking about it & want to give Kobe the respect he deserves. This is the saddest celebrity death of my lifetime. He’s the LAST person I would expect to die early. Seeing the whole world come to a momentary stop was special. It was uniting. Many hated Kobe because of his extreme intensity.

Anytime anyone tells me to “relax,” or “stop working so hard” I think of the greats like Kobe who “never wasted a day.” As much as the world loves him now, 99% of people would probably hate to be around him (especially in his Bball days!) What does all that epic intensity and clinical Insanity get him? It gets him remembered forever. I’m going to try to keep the #MambaMentality alive and think of Kobe during late nights at the office and 5am workouts!

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